Stephan Sterns被控杀害其女友的女儿,4月面临60项性犯罪指控和审前听证。 Stephan Sterns, accused of killing his girlfriend's daughter, faces 60 sex crime charges and a pretrial hearing in April.
Stephan Sterns被指控杀害女友13岁的女儿Madeline Soto, 面临60起性犯罪指控。 Stephan Sterns, accused of killing his girlfriend's 13-year-old daughter, Madeline Soto, faces 60 sex crime charges. 他的审前听证会定于 4 月 23 日举行,可能不会讨论谋杀指控,但将处理压制手机证据和谷歌搜查令的动议。 His pretrial hearing, set for April 23, may not discuss the murder charge but will address motions to suppress evidence from a cellphone and a Google search warrant. Sterns的法律小组已经提出了50多项动议,包括试图从案件中取消死刑。 Sterns' legal team has filed over 50 motions, including attempts to remove the death penalty from the case.