St. Lucie县副县长因据称路暴事件而被捕,其中涉及对18岁儿童的威胁。 St. Lucie County deputy arrested for alleged road rage incident involving threat to 18-year-old.
圣露西县惩教署副局长Devin Mills在据称发生公路暴怒事件后被捕,当时他堵住了一辆18岁的乘客的汽车,走近车辆,并试图没收乘客的电话。 St. Lucie County Corrections Deputy Devin Mills was arrested after an alleged road rage incident where he blocked an 18-year-old passenger's car, approached the vehicle, and attempted to seize the passenger's phone. 圣卢西港警察局审查了手机录像和询问了证人,证实了受害者的指控。 Port St. Lucie Police reviewed cell phone videos and interviewed witnesses, confirming the victim's allegations. Mills面临因殴打或攻击而入室盗窃的指控,并在调查进行期间休无薪行政假。 Mills faces charges of burglary with assault or battery and has been placed on unpaid administrative leave while an investigation proceeds.