PREVPN启动 " 黑暗网络监测 " ,提醒用户注意潜在数据失窃和身份盗用威胁。 PureVPN launches Dark Web Monitoring to alert users of potential data breaches and identity theft threats.
普里VPN引入了一个新的“黑暗网络监测”功能,它提醒用户,如果他们的个人数据,如电子邮件地址和信用卡号码,在黑暗网络上找到的话,就会提醒用户注意。 PureVPN has introduced a new Dark Web Monitoring feature that alerts users if their personal data, like email addresses and credit card numbers, is found on the dark web. 这项服务向所有用户提供,包括免费扫描工具,供每个人检查数据失密情况。 The service is available to all users and includes a free scanning tool for everyone to check for data breaches. 随着数据破损增加,平均超过190万记录,这一工具旨在通过及时发出警报和提供安保咨询,保护用户免遭身份盗窃和欺诈。 With data breaches on the rise, exposing over 1.9 million records on average, this tool aims to protect users from identity theft and fraud by providing timely alerts and security advice.