保罗·麦卡特尼今晚在纽约的鲍里里舞厅 表演一场惊喜的 卖空的演唱会 Paul McCartney performs a surprise, sold-out concert at New York's Bowery Ballroom tonight.
保罗·麦卡特尼今晚将 在纽约的鲍里舞厅 演唱一场惊喜音乐会 Paul McCartney is set to perform a surprise concert tonight at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City. 最近宣布的这个节目在售票几分钟后迅速售出。 The show, which was announced recently, quickly sold out minutes after tickets went on sale. 这种亲密的表演对传奇音乐家来说 是个罕见的俱乐部表演 This intimate performance marks a rare club appearance for the legendary musician.