Paul McCartney开出惊喜音乐会; Kilauea火山喷发; FBI发现了肯尼迪新纪录。 Paul McCartney gives surprise concert; Kilauea volcano erupts; FBI uncovers new JFK records.
Paul McCartney在Bowery舞厅的私密表演中 给纽约人带来惊喜, 吸引了575人参加。 Paul McCartney surprised New Yorkers with an intimate show at the Bowery Ballroom, drawing 575 attendees. 蒙蒂,一个巨大的Schnauser, 赢得了顶级荣誉 在威斯敏斯特肯内尔俱乐部狗展上。 Monty, a giant schnauzer, won top honors at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. 夏威夷的Kilauea火山 重新爆发, 联邦调查局发现 2400新记录 与肯尼迪的刺杀事件有关。 Hawaii's Kilauea volcano resumed erupting, and the FBI found 2,400 new records related to the JFK assassination. Rapper A$AP Rocky不会在他的攻击罪审判中作证 Rapper A$AP Rocky will not testify at his assault trial. 凯文·哈特 (Kevin Hart) 将担任 NBA 全明星赛的场上司仪,《周六夜现场》将通过特别转播来纪念其成立 50 周年。 Kevin Hart will be the on-court emcee for the NBA All-Star Game, and "Saturday Night Live" will mark its 50th anniversary with a special broadcast.