New Haven鼓励居民支持本地企业推广情人节活动。 New Haven encourages residents to support local businesses with Valentine's Day promotions.
康涅狄格州纽黑文(New Haven)正在敦促居民在情人节前支持当地企业, New Haven, Connecticut, is urging residents to support local businesses ahead of Valentine's Day with its "Love New Haven, Experience New Haven" campaign. 这个城市以不同的餐饮场景而闻名,有700多家小企业,每1美元中有66美分留在社区。 The city, known for its diverse dining scene, has over 700 small businesses, with 66 cents of each dollar spent staying in the community. 当地领导人和企业正在推广浪漫餐具选择、烹饪课和情人节独家促销活动, Local leaders and businesses are promoting romantic dining options, cooking classes, and exclusive Valentine's promotions to encourage locals to shop and dine locally.