KLook,一个亚洲旅行平台,确保1亿美元,以扩大服务,提高旅行经验。 Klook, an Asian travel platform, secures $100M to expand services and enhance travel experiences.
Klook是一个亚洲旅行经验平台,从维特鲁维安伙伴处获得1亿美元的资金,以扩大其覆盖面,加强旅行者服务。 Klook, an Asian travel experience platform, secured $100 million in funding from Vitruvian Partners to expand its reach and enhance services for travelers. KLook成立于2014年,支持了超过219 000个就业岗位,为本区域的GDP贡献了72亿美元。 Founded in 2014, Klook has supported over 219,000 jobs and contributed $7.2 billion to the region's GDP. 投资的目的是提高客户经验和数字业务,因为预计亚太区域的国际旅行将激增。 The investment aims to boost customer experience and digital operations in anticipation of a surge in international travel in the Asia-Pacific region.