卡尔·厄本 (Karl Urban) 在定于 2025 年 10 月 24 日上映的《真人快打 2》中饰演约翰尼·凯奇 (Johnny Cage)。 Karl Urban stars as Johnny Cage in "Mortal Kombat 2," set for release on October 24, 2025.
死亡之战2将于2025年10月24日上映, 在预告片中, 卡尔·乌班 (Karl Urban) 饰演了约翰尼·凯奇 (Johnny Cage). Mortal Kombat 2, set to release on October 24, 2025, has revealed Karl Urban as Johnny Cage in a teaser poster. 影片由Simon McQuoid导演, 由Jeremy Slater撰写, 以城市为行动明星和武术艺术家。 The film, directed by Simon McQuoid and written by Jeremy Slater, features Urban as the action star and martial artist. 其他演员包括Kitana的Adeline Rudolph和Jade的Tati Gabrielle。 Other cast members include Adeline Rudolph as Kitana and Tati Gabrielle as Jade. 续集旨在配合或超越第一部影片的暴力, 并延续2021年改编后的故事。 The sequel aims to match or surpass the violence of the first film and continues the story from the 2021 adaptation.