杰森·斯坦森 (Jason Statham) 主演了一部在英国拍摄的新动作惊悚片,其中的角色直面他暴力的过去。 Jason Statham stars in a new action thriller filming in the UK, where his character confronts his violent past.
杰森·斯塔瑟姆主演由里克·罗曼·沃执导的未命名动作惊片, 拍摄于英国和爱尔兰. Jason Statham stars in an untitled action thriller directed by Ric Roman Waugh, filming in the UK and Ireland. 加入斯塔瑟姆的有比尔·奈吉、娜奥米·艾基和丹尼尔·梅斯。 Joining Statham are Bill Nighy, Naomi Ackie, and Daniel Mays. 剧情讲述了斯塔瑟姆的角色梅森,他在苏格兰的一个岛屿上生活,在暴风雨中拯救了一个年轻女孩后,他面对了自己的暴力过去. The plot follows Statham’s character, Mason, living in isolation on a Scottish island, who confronts his violent past after rescuing a young girl during a storm. 包括Black Bear和Statham的Punch Palace制片公司等制作人。 Producers include Black Bear and Statham’s Punch Palace Productions.