Jason Shook被判17.5年监禁,罪名是分发安非他命并持有枪支作为重罪犯。 Jason Shook sentenced to 17.5 years for distributing meth and possessing a gun as a felon.
Jason Travis Shook,42岁,来自北卡罗来纳州,因分发甲基安非他明和持有枪支作为罪犯而被判处17.5年徒刑。 Jason Travis Shook, a 42-year-old from North Carolina, was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison for distributing methamphetamine and possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. 他以前的重罪包括攻击和绑架。 His prior felonies include assault and kidnapping. 执法部门在2022年8月的交通站发现近370克的冰毒、现金和一把枪,最后造成车祸。 Law enforcement found nearly 370 grams of meth, cash, and a gun during an August 2022 traffic stop that ended in a car crash. Shook认罪,将在监狱服刑五年后在监督下获释。 Shook pleaded guilty and will serve five years of supervised release after his prison term.