阿拉斯加最大的公共雇员工会 起诉州 延迟, 可能不利 的工资研究。 Alaska's largest public employee union sues state over delayed, potentially unfavorable salary study.
阿拉斯加最大的公共雇员联盟ASAEA起诉国家, 指控官员扣留全国薪金研究的结果, Alaska's largest public employee union, ASEA, has sued the state, accusing officials of withholding results from a statewide salary study meant to assess if state employees are adequately compensated. 该研究由立法机构于2023年资助,去年夏天到期,但被推迟,因为工会声称国家正在隐瞒不利的结果。 The study, funded by the legislature in 2023, was due last summer but has been delayed, with the union alleging the state is hiding unfavorable results. 诉讼旨在将研究报告公诸于众。 The lawsuit seeks to make the study public.