在一项调查显示公众大力支持后,Wrexham理事会可恢复到30毫米速度限制。 Wrexham council may revert to 30mph speed limits after a survey showed strong public support.
Wrexham理事会将考虑取消20厘米速度限制, Wrexham council will consider lifting the 20mph speed limit after a consultation showed 93% support for returning to 30mph. 尽管自实行20厘米限制以来,道路碰撞和重伤事件有所减少,但许多区域正在审查其政策。 Despite a reduction in road collisions and serious injuries since the 20mph limit was introduced, many regions are reviewing their policies. Pembrokeshire县议会还将根据个案情况评估其20毫米的极限。 Pembrokeshire County Council will also assess its 20mph limits on a case-by-case basis. 尽管批评者认为这项举措将驾驶员置于安全之上, The move aims to balance public opinion with safety, though critics argue it prioritizes motorists over safety.