威尼斯在2025年对日托者征收5.15美元“入场费”,以遏制过度拥挤。 Venice imposes a $5.15 "Access Fee" on day-trippers in 2025 to curb overcrowding.
威尼斯将继续对日间旅游者征收2025年的旅游税,要求4月至7月的54天征收5欧元(5.15美元)的“Venice Access费”。 Venice will continue its tourist tax on day-trippers through 2025, requiring a "Venice Access Fee" of five euros ($5.15) on 54 designated days between April and July. 访客必须在上午8时30分至下午4时购买机票,最后一分钟的订票费将增加到10欧元。 Visitors must purchase tickets between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm, with the fee increasing to ten euros for last-minute bookings. 该倡议旨在减少过度拥挤和控制游客流动,对过夜访客和居民免收。 The initiative aims to reduce overcrowding and control tourist flow, with overnight visitors and residents exempt. 2024年的审判导致日间审判略有减少,并改进了访问规划。 The 2024 trial led to a slight decrease in day-trippers and improved visit planning.