丰田公司在圣安东尼奥学校投资6.5亿澳元用于STEM教育,同时投资531亿澳元的工厂。 Toyota invests $6.5M in San Antonio schools for STEM education, alongside a $531M plant investment.
美国丰田基金会将在五年内向圣安东尼奥东中独立学校区投资650万澳元,以加强STEM教育和社区参与。 Toyota USA Foundation is investing $6.5 million over five years in San Antonio's East Central Independent School District to enhance STEM education and community engagement. 这些资金将支持创新工具、教师培训和佩坎谷STEM学院新的家庭资源中心,目的是提高学生的基础技能和信心。 The funds will support innovative tools, teacher training, and a new Family Resource Center at Pecan Valley STEM Academy, aiming to boost student foundational skills and confidence. 这项举措与丰田的驾车可能性方案相一致,与丰田在圣安东尼奥一家新的后轴厂投资5.31亿美元(定于2026年开工)同时进行。 This initiative aligns with Toyota's Driving Possibilities program and comes alongside Toyota's $531 million investment in a new rear axle plant in San Antonio, set to open in 2026.