包括两名青少年在内的三名行人在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县被一辆面包车重伤。 Three pedestrians, including two juveniles, were critically injured by a van in Lancaster County, PA.
包括两名青少年在内的三名行人于星期一下午3时左右在兰开斯特县Salisbury镇的Vernon山路附近被一辆面包车撞伤,伤势严重。 Three pedestrians, including two juveniles, were critically injured when struck by a van on Old Philadelphia Pike near Mount Vernon Road in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, on Monday around 3 p.m. 应急服务,包括一架医疗直升机,对现场作出了反应。 Emergency services, including a medical helicopter, responded to the scene. 受害者被送往医院,道路被关闭数小时。 The victims were transported to the hospital, and the road was closed for several hours. 州警察正在调查此案,目前正在调查中。 State police are investigating, and the story is ongoing.