研究人员找到可以激发更轻、更坚固的飞机材料的 恐龙骨头运河。 Researchers find pterosaur bone canals that could inspire lighter, stronger aircraft materials.
曼彻斯特大学的研究人员 发现了微小的运河 在恐龙骨骼中 使得它们轻轻但强壮。 Researchers at the University of Manchester discovered tiny canals in pterosaur bones that make them lightweight yet strong. 这一发现可激励为飞机开发较轻、较强的材料,有可能减少燃料消耗和加强安全。 This finding could inspire the development of lighter, stronger materials for aircraft, potentially reducing fuel consumption and enhancing safety. 该研究建议,今后将利用史前生物设计为航空创造先进、可持续的材料。 The study suggests a future where prehistoric biological designs are used to create advanced, sustainable materials for aviation.