新的警察局长誓言在阿南布拉减少犯罪,但新的安全单位面临侵犯人权的指控。 New police chief vows to reduce crime in Anambra, but new security unit faces human rights abuse claims.
New Anambra州警察局长Ikioye Urutugu先生发誓要减少犯罪,访问Nnewi,安慰在冰箱里发现的三个被杀害的兄弟姐妹的父母。 New Anambra State Police Commissioner, Mr. Ikioye Urutugu, has vowed to reduce crime, visiting Nnewi to console parents of three murdered siblings found in a refrigerator. Urutugu计划执行经改进的预防犯罪措施,并与地方当局和警戒小组合作维持法律和秩序。 Urutugu plans to implement improved crime prevention measures and work with local authorities and vigilance groups to maintain law and order. 然而,国家新的保安部门Agunechemba面临侵犯人权和法外处决的指控,要求进行调查和遵守法治。 However, the state's new security outfit, Agunechemba, faces accusations of human rights violations and extrajudicial killings, with calls for investigation and adherence to the rule of law.