美国航天局支持大学团队进行265M美元的竞争,以开发应急飞机。 NASA supports university teams in a $2.65M competition to develop emergency response aircraft.
美国航天局支持14个美国大学队参加戈亚-埃罗奖竞赛,目的是为救援任务和人道主义援助开发应急飞机。 NASA has supported 14 U.S. university teams in the GoAERO Prize competition, aimed at developing emergency response aircraft for rescue missions and humanitarian aid. 该竞赛包括265万美元的奖项,还为11个国际小组的设计颁发了100 000美元。 The competition, which includes a $2.65 million prize, has also awarded $100,000 to 11 international teams for their designs. 预计2027年将举行最后一次飞行起飞活动,获胜者将另外得到165万美元,以进一步开发其飞机。 The final fly-off event is expected in 2027, with the winner receiving an additional $1.65 million to develop their aircraft further.