中央邦计划向器官捐赠者致敬,并在整个邦扩大移植设施。 Madhya Pradesh plans to honor organ donors and expand transplant facilities across the state.
中央邦首席部长 Mohan Yadav 宣布计划以国家荣誉和独立日等活动向身体和器官捐献者致敬。 Madhya Pradesh's Chief Minister, Mohan Yadav, announced plans to honor body and organ donors with state honors and at events like Independence Day. 国家将在所有医学院建立器官捐赠和移植设施,并为及时治疗提供空中救护车服务。 The state will establish organ donation and transplantation facilities in all medical colleges and provide air ambulance services for timely treatment. Yadav访问AIDAM BHopal, 与该州第一位心脏移植病人Dinesh Malviya会面, 赞美医生并强调器官捐赠对于拯救生命的重要性。 Yadav visited AIIMS Bhopal to meet Dinesh Malviya, the first heart transplant patient in the state, praising the doctors and emphasizing the importance of organ donation to save lives.