纬度顾问和其他公司增加了在Schwab债券和红利出口基金中持有的股票。 Latitude Advisors and other firms increased their holdings in Schwab bond and dividend ETFs.
纬度顾问有限公司增加了在美国Schwab的股份。 Latitude Advisors LLC increased its holdings in the Schwab U.S. 债券 ETF(SCHZ)总股份增加19 193股,使其总额达到35 895股,价值815 000美元。 Aggregate Bond ETF (SCHZ) by 19,193 shares, bringing its total to 35,895 shares valued at $815,000. 其他对冲基金也增加了其在SCHZ的股份,包括Archer投资公司和稳妥收入战略有限责任公司。 Other hedge funds also boosted their stakes in SCHZ, including Archer Investment Corp and Sound Income Strategies LLC. 同时,财富明星顾问有限责任公司收购了Schwab 美国股本ETF(SCHD)的15 978股股份,与调整其在SCHD和其他ETF中持有股份的其他机构投资者一道。 Meanwhile, Wealthstar Advisors LLC bought 15,978 shares of Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD), joining other institutional investors who adjusted their holdings in SCHD and other ETFs.