喀拉拉邦的反对派批评国家基础设施基金是一种财政负担,导致了罢工。 Kerala's opposition criticizes state infrastructure fund as a financial burden, leading to a walkout.
喀拉拉反对党领袖批评政府的基础设施基金KIIFB, Kerala's Leader of Opposition criticized the state's infrastructure fund, KIIFB, calling its situation critical, while the Finance Minister defended it as successful. 反对派认为,KIIFB已成为一个财政负担,没有多少实际好处,质疑其对项目的投资和在资金到位的公路上征收通行费的计划。 The opposition argues KIIFB has become a financial burden with little tangible benefit, questioning its investment in projects and the plan to introduce tolls on funded roads. 然而,财政部长坚持说,尽管面临挑战,该基金已证明是有效的,并将继续创造收入。 The Finance Minister, however, insists the fund has proven effective and will continue to generate income despite challenges. 这场辩论导致反对派举行抗议罢工。 The debate led to the opposition staging a walkout in protest.