肯尼亚总统鲁托敦促非洲领导人推动2063年议程, 重点是治理、金融和绿色增长。 Kenyan President Ruto urges African leaders to boost Agenda 2063, focusing on governance, finance, and green growth.
肯尼亚总统威廉·鲁托敦促非洲领导人加速实现2063年议程,这是非洲的长期发展计划。 President William Ruto of Kenya urged African leaders to accelerate the realization of Agenda 2063, a long-term development plan for Africa. Ruto在虚拟会议上发言,强调需要善政、创新筹资和加强国家办事处,以支持该倡议。 Speaking at a virtual meeting, Ruto highlighted the need for good governance, innovative financing, and strengthened national offices to support the initiative. 他还强调了绿色增长和可持续能源项目对应对气候变化的重要性。 He also stressed the importance of green growth and sustainable energy projects to combat climate change.