肯德里克·拉马尔 (Kendrick Lamar) 在超级碗 (Super Bowl) 上的表演引发了关于一条项链的争论,并且歌曲暗示了竞争对手德雷克 (Drake)。 Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl performance sparked debate over a necklace and song hints at rival Drake.
Kendrick Lamar在《超级碗半场秀》表演期间 戴了一条小写“A”项链 引发了对Drake挖土的猜测 Kendrick Lamar wore a lowercase "A" necklace during his Super Bowl Halftime Show performance, sparking speculation it was a dig at Drake. 但“A”代表拉玛的多媒体公司PgLang, 于2020年共同成立。 However, the "A" represents Lamar's multimedia company, pgLang, co-founded in 2020. 表演还包括对 Drake 的引用,Lamar 演唱了“Not Like Us”,Serena Williams 客串,为他们的公开争执火上浇油。 The performance also included references to Drake, with Lamar singing "Not Like Us" and Serena Williams making a cameo, adding fuel to their public feud.