与Thomas & Company建立信息研究伙伴,通过工资和就业检查加强按揭核实。 Informative Research partners with Thomas & Company to enhance mortgage verification with wage and employment checks.
信息研究是信贷和核查的顶级技术提供者,它与Thomas & Company公司合并,增加了工资和就业核实服务。 Informative Research, a top tech provider for credit and verification, has integrated with Thomas & Company to add their Wage and Employment Verification service. 这一伙伴关系加强了信息研究的抵押贷款核查平台,使客户能够获得广泛的就业和收入记录。 This partnership enhances Informative Research's mortgage verification platform, offering customers access to extensive employment and income records. 其目的是提高核查效率,减少风险贷款,让放款人有更多的灵活性,为不同的借款人服务。 It aims to boost verification efficiency, reduce risky lending, and give lenders more flexibility in serving diverse borrowers.