山洞之春的火灾造成家庭流离失所,两只宠物获救,正在调查中。 House fire in Cave Spring displaces family, two pets rescued, cause under investigation.
Roanoke县Cave Spring的一栋房屋火灾造成3个家庭流离失所。 A house fire in Cave Spring, Roanoke County, displaced a family of three. 肯特兰道8点31分的火灾 由消防员在45分钟内控制 The fire at 8:31 a.m. on Kentland Drive was controlled within 45 minutes by firefighters. 有两名居民接受了吸入烟雾的治疗,有两只狗获救,但有两只猫失踪。 Two residents were treated for smoke inhalation, and two dogs were rescued, but two cats are missing. Roanoke县消防局长办公室正在调查火灾原因。 The fire's cause is under investigation by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal's Office.