Google 在 Chrome 中测试 AI 功能,以自动更改和保存泄露的密码。 Google tests AI feature in Chrome to automatically change and save compromised passwords.
Google Chrome正在测试一个名为“自动密码更改”的AI功能, 该功能将自动更新失密密码, 并将新密码保存到密码管理器 。 Google Chrome is testing an AI feature called "Automated Password Change" that will automatically update compromised passwords and save the new ones to the password manager. 这一实验性特征见于Chrome的加那利版本,提醒用户密码被破解,并提议使用AI更改密码。 This experimental feature, found in Chrome's Canary version, alerts users to password breaches and offers to change the password using AI. 用户必须通过Chrome设置手动启用. Users must manually enable it via Chrome settings. 该功能旨在改进账户安全和方便密码管理。 The feature aims to improve account security and ease password management.