尽管传统面包销售额下降,但在2024年,Flowers Foods的净收入翻了一番,达到2.481亿美元. Flowers Foods saw net income double to $248.1M in 2024, despite sales drops in traditional breads.
尽管传统面包和甜品销售额下降,但Flowers Foods报告了强的2024财年净收入翻倍至2481万美元,即每股1.17美元. Flowers Foods reported a strong fiscal 2024, with net income doubling to $248.1 million, or $1.17 per share, despite lower sales in traditional bread and sweet goods. 收入增加是由于提高效率和降低成本。 The earnings increase was due to efficiency improvements and cost reductions. 该公司侧重于溢价和健康产品,以抵消传统类别的下降,并对其产品组合持乐观态度,尽管预计到2025年市场将出现波动。 The company is focusing on premium and healthier products to offset declines in traditional categories and is optimistic about its product portfolio, though it expects a volatile market in 2025.