联邦法官否认与被指控在网上剥削儿童的佛罗里达州音乐教师的保释金。 Federal judge denies bond to Florida music teacher accused of exploiting children online.
一名联邦法官拒绝向前奥兰治县Italo Bonini(佛罗里达州奥兰治县前音乐教师)提供保释, A federal judge denied bond to Italo Bonini, a former Orange County, Florida, music teacher, after new allegations surfaced in an investigation into online exploitation of children. 25岁的Bonini被指控向未成年人提供游戏中货币以换取清晰的图像,检察官发现700次不和谐聊天,还有多达20名潜在受害者。 Bonini, 25, is accused of offering in-game currency to minors in exchange for explicit images, with prosecutors uncovering 700 Discord chats and up to 20 potential additional victims. 如果他被定罪并有可能被驱逐出境,他将面临至少10年监禁。 He faces a minimum of 10 years in prison if convicted and possible deportation. Bonini在继续调查期间正在休行政假。 Bonini is on administrative leave while the investigation continues.