Meghan公爵夫人于三月在Netflix商店推出她的美国Riviera果园品牌。 Duchess Meghan launches her American Riviera Orchard brand in Netflix stores in March.
Meghan Markle公爵夫人定于3月初通过Netflix在费城和达拉斯的新零售店推出她的美国Riviera 果园品牌。 Duchess Meghan Markle is set to launch her American Riviera Orchard brand in early March through Netflix's new retail stores in Philadelphia and Dallas. 该品牌包括果酱、蜂蜜和橄榄油等产品。 The brand includes products like jam, honey, and olive oil. 这些商店还将从流行的Netflix节目中提供商品。 The stores will also feature merchandise from popular Netflix shows. 这次发射被视为Markle商业风险的关键时刻,有可能影响她与Netflix交易的未来,Netflix定于今年晚些时候到期。 This launch is seen as a critical moment for Markle's business venture, potentially impacting the future of her deal with Netflix, which is set to expire later this year.