多米诺推出情人节的香水 "爱的激情" 闻起来像辣椒披萨 Domino's launches Valentine's Day perfume "Eau de Passion" scented like pepperoni pizza.
Domino's 为情人节推出了一款名为“Eau de Passion”的限量版意大利辣香肠香味香水,其灵感来自他们的意大利辣香肠 Passion 披萨。 Domino's has introduced a limited-edition pepperoni-scented perfume named "Eau de Passion" for Valentine's Day, inspired by their Pepperoni Passion pizza. 这种香水具有辛和胡的音调,并通过挑性广告推广,其中包括英国"一见钟情"的卢克·德博诺. The fragrance features spicy and peppery notes and is promoted with provocative ads featuring Married at First Sight UK's Luke Debono. 客户可以在2月10日至17日期间在Domino的网站上参加30毫升瓶的比赛. Customers can enter to win a 30ml bottle on Domino's website from February 10-17. 公司预期情人节的披萨交货量和辣椒香肠披萨销售量会猛增。 The company expects a surge in pizza deliveries and sales of the Pepperoni Passion pizza on Valentine's Day.