德里警方逮捕了4人,包括3名妇女,罪名是贩卖儿童,营救了2个孩子。 Delhi Police arrests four, including three women, for child trafficking, rescuing two kids.
德里警察的铁路部门逮捕了4人,包括3名妇女,因为他们参与了贩卖儿童活动。 Delhi Police's railway unit arrested four individuals, including three women, for involvement in child trafficking. 行动是在新德里火车站一名儿童被绑架后开始的。 The operation began after a child was kidnapped from New Delhi Railway Station. 警方利用闭路电视录像和电信数据拯救了两名儿童,并拆除了一个网络,利用伪造收养文件将被绑架婴儿卖给无子女夫妇。 Using CCTV footage and telecom data, police rescued two children and dismantled a network that used forged adoption papers to sell kidnapped infants to childless couples. 嫌疑犯将面临与贩运儿童有关的指控。 The suspects will face charges related to child trafficking.