Christopher Dunham, 16岁失踪,被发现睡在Walmart的卫生纸堡里。 Christopher Dunham, a missing 16-year-old, was found sleeping in a toilet paper fort at a Walmart.
一名16岁的俄克拉荷马州青少年名叫Christopher Dunham,他离家出走,被发现睡在卫生纸堡里,他在一个当地的沃尔玛的狗床上盖了个狗床。 A 16-year-old Oklahoma teen named Christopher Dunham, who ran away from home, was found sleeping in a toilet paper fort he built around a dog bed at a local Walmart. 他的祖父母曾报告他失踪。 His grandparents had reported him missing. 警方称该案件极不寻常,公众服务部会见了受轻伤的青少年。 Police described the case as highly unusual, and the Department of Human Services met with the teen, who had minor injuries.