Avatar: Fire and Ash介绍荒凉的Ash村及其敌对的Mangkwan部族, 预定于12月14日释放。 "Avatar: Fire and Ash" introduces the desolate Ash Village and its antagonistic Mangkwan Clan, set for release on December 14.
即将到来的「阿凡达:火与灰」在潘多拉(Pandora)推出一个新的荒凉地点, 名为Ash村, The upcoming "Avatar: Fire and Ash" introduces a new, desolate location on Pandora called Ash Village, home to the Mangkwan Clan, or Ash People, who serve as antagonists. 概念艺术, 呈现一个灰色无生命的村庄与潘多拉的充满活力的风景对比, 也介绍了游牧风商. The concept art, featuring a gray and lifeless village contrasting Pandora's vibrant landscapes, also introduces the nomadic Wind Traders. 影片旨在加深故事内容, 超越单纯的善与恶, 并定于12月14日发行。 The film aims to deepen the narrative beyond simple good vs. evil and is set for release on December 14.