作为一个梦想中的摔对手,WWE摔手Bron Breakker将他的父亲,叔叔和The Undertaker命名为他的梦想中的摔对手. WWE wrestler Bron Breakker names his father, uncle, and The Undertaker as his dream WrestleMania opponents.
WWE 摔跤手 Bron Breakker 在播客采访中分享了他梦寐以求的 WrestleMania 对手,命名了他的父亲 Rick Steiner、叔叔 Scott Steiner 和摔跤传奇人物 The Undertaker。 WWE wrestler Bron Breakker shared his dream WrestleMania opponents in a podcast interview, naming his father Rick Steiner, uncle Scott Steiner, and wrestling legend The Undertaker. Breakker以前面对过NXT的作案家,认为再次与他合作是极大的荣誉。 Breakker previously faced The Undertaker in NXT and views working with him again as a great honor. 今年的Wrestle Mania定于4月19日至20日在拉斯维加斯, Jey Uso 和 Charlotte Flair 已经为这次活动确认。 This year's WrestleMania is set for April 19-20 in Las Vegas, with Jey Uso and Charlotte Flair already confirmed for the event.