Wisetech创始人Richard White面临新的不当行为指控,尽管他于2021年辞去首席执行官的职务。 WiseTech founder Richard White faces new misconduct allegations, though he resigned as CEO in 2021.
WiseTech Global创始人Richard White面临新的不当行为指控,包括承包商和另一个个人的投诉。 WiseTech Global founder Richard White faces new allegations of inappropriate conduct, including complaints from a contractor and another individual. 2021年,White公司辞去首席执行官职务,但被聘用担任顾问,尽管合同尚未签署。 White resigned as CEO in 2021 but was offered a consultancy role, though a contract has not been signed. White是澳大利亚最富有的国家之一,与WiseTech公司有相当的利害关系,价值165亿美元。 White公司以前曾面临涉及财产赠与和恐吓的指控。 White, one of Australia's wealthiest with a substantial stake in WiseTech valued at $16.5 billion, previously faced allegations involving property gifts and intimidation.