由于“A”系列耗尽,威斯康星州的 DMV 开始发放以“B”开头的新车牌。 Wisconsin's DMV starts issuing new license plates beginning with 'B' due to 'A' series exhaustion.
威斯康星州 DMV 在发放 470 万个车牌后用完所有“A”组合后,推出了一系列以“B”开头的新车牌。 Wisconsin's DMV has introduced a new series of license plates starting with 'B', following the exhaustion of all 'A' combinations after 4.7 million plates were issued. 第一批将首先从BAA开始,发放新牌照的过程预计需要大约七年时间。 The first batch will begin with BAA, and the process of issuing new plates is expected to take about seven years. 新的七点牌照提供约1亿个组合, 由2千万个旧六点牌格式的组合而增加。 The new seven-character plates offer about 100 million combinations, up from 20 million with the older six-character format.