PepsiCo顶级瓶装瓶的Varun Beverages报告说,利润飞涨,但股票由于成本上涨而下降。 Varun Beverages, PepsiCo's top bottler, reports soaring profits but stock drops due to higher costs.
PepsiCo最大的特许装瓶商Varun Beverages Ltd在2024年12月的季度,净利润上升36%,达到195.64卢比,收入增至3 817.61卢比。 Varun Beverages Ltd, PepsiCo's largest franchise bottler, saw a 36% jump in net profit to Rs 195.64 crore for the December 2024 quarter, with revenue rising to Rs 3,817.61 crore. 该公司在利息、税收、折旧和摊还前的收入(EBITDA)上升到38.7%,达到579.97卢比。 The company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) climbed 38.7% to Rs 579.97 crore. 全年净利润增长了25.3%,达到2,634.28卢比。 For the full year, net profit increased 25.3% to Rs 2,634.28 crore. 公司低糖/无糖产品组合升至销售量的53%。 The company's low sugar/no sugar product mix rose to 53% of sales. 尽管财务增长,但由于成本和收益低于分析师预期,该股下跌。 Despite financial growth, the stock dropped due to higher costs and earnings missing analyst expectations. 南非和摩洛哥等非洲市场正在扩大多种饮料的使用范围。 Varun Beverages is expanding in African markets like South Africa and Morocco.