认为总部可以扩大利普顿伙伴关系, 现在在澳大利亚管理三个茶品牌。 Think HQ expands Lipton partnership, now managing three tea brands in Australia.
Think HQ是一家全套服务营销机构,它扩大了与澳大利亚利普顿茶叶和灌注公司的伙伴关系,现在管理利普顿、布歇尔和PUKKA品牌。 Think HQ, a full-service marketing agency, has expanded its partnership with Lipton Teas and Infusions in Australia, now managing Lipton, Bushells, and PUKKA brands. 经过竞争, 思考总部将负责三大品牌的战略规划,创意,社交媒体,激活和公关. After winning a competitive pitch, Think HQ will handle strategic planning, creative, social media, activations, and PR for all three brands. 这以利普顿公司过去的成功为基础,认为总部能够推动澳大利亚市场的增长。 This builds on the past success with Lipton and positions Think HQ to drive growth in the Australian market.