尼日利亚朝圣委员会取消了合同,威胁着数千名朝圣者2025年的旅程。 Nigerian Hajj commission cancels contract, threatening thousands of pilgrims' 2025 journey.
尼日利亚国家朝圣委员会(NAHCON)取消了与沙特一家服务供应商关于2025年朝圣的合同,这有可能阻止数千名尼日利亚穆斯林进行朝圣。 The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has canceled a contract with a Saudi service provider for the 2025 Hajj pilgrimage, potentially preventing thousands of Nigerian Muslims from performing the pilgrimage. 这一举动受到了批评,并可能导致法律斗争。 This move has been criticized and could lead to legal battles. 一个民间社会组织呼吁NAHCON与国家当局合作,以确保尼日利亚朝圣者仍然能够参加朝圣。 A civil society organization has called for cooperation between NAHCON and state authorities to ensure Nigerian pilgrims can still participate in the Hajj.