尼日利亚军队为208名军官进行为期一周的考试,以评估指挥、战术和健身技能。 Nigerian Army conducts week-long exam for 208 officers to assess command, tactics, and fitness skills.
尼日利亚军队正在卡杜纳为208名军官进行为期一周的考试,以评估他们在指挥、战术和健身方面的技能。 The Nigerian Army is conducting a week-long examination for 208 officers in Kaduna to assess their skills in command, tactics, and fitness. 考试由训练和理论指挥部负责进行,每个科目至少得50%的分,通过考试的总人数必须达到60%。 Conducted by the Training and Doctrine Command, the exam requires a minimum score of 50% in each subject and an aggregate of 60% to pass. 最佳表现者将获得优异证书、嘉奖和现金礼物。 Top performers will receive Certificates of Excellence, commendations, and cash gifts. 军队已经实施了严格的安全措施,以确保考试的完整性。 The army has implemented strict security measures to ensure the exam's integrity.