马来西亚禁书“我的影子是紫色”比性别规范更重要, 而作者则推出文学奖支持类似故事。 Malaysia bans book "My Shadow is Purple" over gender norms, while author launches literary prize to support similar stories.
澳大利亚作家斯科特·斯图尔特 (Scott Stuart) 的书《我的影子是紫色的》(My Shadow is Purple) 讨论了一个不符合性别规范的孩子,该书在马来西亚已被禁书,因为它被认为“对道德有害”。 Australian author Scott Stuart's book "My Shadow is Purple," which discusses a child who doesn't conform to gender norms, has been banned in Malaysia as it was deemed "harmful to morals." 这本书的作者发起了斯科特·斯图尔特文学奖,提供1 000美元,支持作家挑战性别陈规定型观念,帮助出版商和读者了解这类故事。 The book's author has launched the Scott Stuart Literary Prize, offering $1,000, to support writers challenging gender stereotypes, aiming to help such stories reach publishers and readers. 该书也在美国遭到反对。 The book has also faced opposition in the US.