当地看守所面临严重的过度拥挤,使被拘留者面临不卫生、不安全的条件。 Local watch houses face severe overcrowding, exposing detainees to unsanitary and unsafe conditions.
一份报告揭露了由于严重拥挤,当地看守所的非人道条件。 A report has exposed inhumane conditions in local watch houses due to severe overcrowding. 为短期逗留设计的设施现在将个人关押数天甚至数周,导致环境不卫生、不安全。 The facilities, designed for short stays, are now holding individuals for days or even weeks, leading to unsanitary and unsafe environments. 地方当局正受到压力,要解决这一问题和改善条件。 Local authorities are under pressure to address the issue and improve conditions.