Kanye West面对种族主义文章的反弹; 娱乐节目包括奥斯卡的表演和电视更新。 Kanye West faces backlash for racist posts; entertainment highlights include Oscars performances and TV renewals.
坎耶·韦斯特 (Kanye West) 因种族主义社交媒体帖子而面临争议,而娱乐新闻包括阿丽亚娜·格兰德 (Ariana Grande) 和辛西娅·埃里沃 (Cynthia Erivo) 在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上表演,娜塔莉·波特曼 (Natalie Portman) 主演《好性爱》(Good),以及 FX 续订《英语老师》(English Teacher)。 Kanye West faced controversy for racist social media posts, while entertainment news includes Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo performing at the Oscars, Natalie Portman starring in "Good Sex," and FX renewing "English Teacher." Prime Video的“Sweethearts”首映于2月13日, Prime Video's "Sweethearts" premieres Feb. 13, following high school relationships. 演员托尼·罗伯茨 (Tony Roberts) 去世,享年 85 岁,Krispy Kreme 为 PlayStation 停机用户提供免费甜甜圈,《狂野机器人》在安妮奖中占据主导地位。 Actor Tony Roberts passed away at 85, Krispy Kreme offered free donuts to PlayStation outage users, and "Wild Robot" dominated the Annie Awards.