杰克逊维尔消防员在圣巴勃罗路附近有笔火;道路由于浓烟而关闭。 Jacksonville firefighters contain brushfire near San Pablo Road; road closed due to heavy smoke.
杰克逊维尔消防员正努力在圣巴勃罗路和圣耶维兹附近控制一场笔火。 Jacksonville firefighters are working to contain a brushfire near San Pablo Road and San Yepez. 虽然大量烟雾给一些居民造成呼吸困难, 但官员表示附近建筑物没有危险。 The road has been closed, and while heavy smoke has caused breathing difficulties for some residents, officials say there is no risk to nearby buildings. 消防局已控制火灾, 行动新闻Jax正在提供最新消息. The fire is under control, and updates are being provided by Action News Jax.