加拿大环境部警告称,Howe Sound 和 Sea to Sky 地区将出现接近 -20 的危险风寒。 Environment Canada warns of dangerous wind chills near -20 in Howe Sound and Sea to Sky regions.
加拿大环境部已对豪湾和海天走廊(包括惠斯勒和彭伯顿)发出警告,因为危险的风寒条件接近 -20 度。 Environment Canada has issued a warning for the Howe Sound and Sea to Sky corridor, including Whistler and Pemberton, due to dangerous wind chill conditions reaching near -20 degrees. 该警告建议居民遮盖裸露的皮肤并保持干燥,预计寒潮将于周二下午结束。 The warning advises residents to cover exposed skin and stay dry, with the cold spell expected to end by Tuesday afternoon. 类似的警告对不列颠哥伦比亚省的北海岸和落基山脉地区仍然有效。 Similar warnings remain in effect for British Columbia's North Coast and Rocky Mountains regions.