Elzeare红衣主教在一个苏族的家中被刺死;她的兄弟Dalton被指控。 Elzeare Cardinal was stabbed to death at a Sioux Nation home; her brother Dalton is charged.
2 月 7 日,亚历克西斯·纳科塔·纳科塔 (Alexis Nakota) 苏族 (Sioux Nation) 的住所发生了一起致命的刺伤事件,导致 28 岁的 Elzeare Cardinal 死亡。 A fatal stabbing occurred at an Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation residence on February 7th, resulting in the death of Elzeare Cardinal, 28. Dalton Earl Cardinal 33岁 被控二级杀人罪 Dalton Earl Cardinal, 33, has been charged with second-degree homicide. 艾伯塔省皇家骑警重罪股在当地机构的协助下领导了调查工作。 The Alberta RCMP Major Crimes Unit led the investigation, assisted by local agencies. 道尔顿·卡迪纳尔 (Dalton Cardinal) 在治安法官面前出庭并被拘留,案件定于 2 月 13 日在梅尔索普开庭。 Dalton Cardinal appeared before a justice of the peace and is in custody, with the case set for court on February 13th in Mayerthorpe.