Chris Taylor,前“爱岛”明星,在失去Anton Ferdinand的舞蹈后,从ITV的“冰上跳舞”中被淘汰。 Chris Taylor, former 'Love Island' star, was eliminated from ITV's 'Dancing On Ice' after losing a dance-off to Anton Ferdinand.
前爱岛明星Chris Taylor在一次与前足球运动员Anton Ferdinand的舞会后被淘汰。 In the latest episode of ITV's Dancing On Ice, former Love Island star Chris Taylor was eliminated after a dance-off against former footballer Anton Ferdinand. 由于在公众投票和法官评分中得分最低,两位名人不得不再次执行他们的例行公事。 Both celebrities had to perform their routines again due to receiving the lowest combined scores from the public vote and judges' marks. 尽管泰勒和他的伙伴Robin Johnstone表现良好, 法官还是投票拯救了Ferdinand和他的伙伴Annette Dytrt。 Despite Taylor's performance with his partner Robin Johnstone, the judges voted to save Ferdinand and his partner Annette Dytrt. 当场观众抱怨得分公平, 并看到多处伤痕影响排队。 The show faced viewer complaints about scoring fairness and saw multiple injuries affecting the lineup.