Blind River Beavers 在 NOJHL 中以 4-1 击败 Powassan Voodoos,由 Owen King 上演帽子戏法。 Blind River Beavers defeat Powassan Voodoos 4-1 in NOJHL, led by Owen King's hat trick.
Blind River Beavers 在 NOJHL 比赛中以 4-1 击败了 Powassan Voodoos。 The Blind River Beavers beat the Powassan Voodoos 4-1 in a NOJHL game. Owen King赢得了本季第四把帽子戏 今年共有39个目标 Owen King scored his fourth hat trick of the season, totaling 39 goals this year. Wyatt Gibson和Yibin Yoo也是盲河的得分。 Wyatt Gibson and YiBin Yoo also scored for Blind River. Powassan的道森·科尔曼得分迟 但不足以阻止盲河的胜利 Powassan's Dawson Coleman scored late, but it wasn't enough to prevent Blind River's win. Connor Dunham-Fox在确保胜利方面发挥了至关重要的作用。 Goaltender Connor Dunham-Fox played a crucial role in securing the victory.