“回到未来”共同撰稿人Bob Gale证实, 2025年的作品中有一个新的电子游戏。 "Back to the Future" co-writer Bob Gale confirms a new video game is in the works for 2025.
《回到未来》共同撰稿人Bob Gale确认正在开发一个新的电子游戏, Bob Gale, co-writer of "Back to the Future," confirms a new video game is in development, aiming for a 2025 release to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the original film. Gale 与 Cleveland.com 分享了这一信息,并指出没有电影重启的计划,但对扩大特许经营权感到兴奋。 Gale shared this information with Cleveland.com, noting no plans for a film reboot but excitement for expanding the franchise. 有关游戏的细节仍保密,尽管它可能包含创新游戏和图形。 Details about the game remain under wraps, though it could feature innovative gameplay and graphics.