武装警察在接到气枪报告后逮捕一名男子;居民在英国Whitstable撤离。 Armed police arrest a man after reports of an airgun; residents evacuated in Whitstable, UK.
武装警察对关于星期日清晨在联合王国Whitstable发射一枚空枪的报告作出了回应。 Armed police responded to reports of an airgun being fired in Whitstable, UK, early Sunday morning. 一名当地男子被捕,在搜查过程中缴获了两支空中步枪和一支BB枪。 A local man was arrested, and two air rifles and a BB gun were seized during a search. 邻里居民被临时疏散,但后来获准返回家园。 Neighboring residents were temporarily evacuated but later allowed to return home. 国防部爆炸性弹药小组也参加了现场调查,调查仍在进行中。 A Ministry of Defence Explosive Ordnance Team also attended the scene, and the investigation is ongoing.